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HIST 305 Mexican-American History 1848-Present

Social, economic and political evolution of Mexican Americans from 1848 to present; adaptation to a harsh and isolated frontier; land tenure systems; conflict in the new Southwest; change and continuity in society; immigration and settlement of Mexicans; emergence of various political movements; current issues.

CVEN 455 Urban Stormwater Management

This course discusses the application of hydrologic and hydraulic concepts to the analysis and design of stormwater drainage systems in urban areas. After taking this route, the students will be able to solve the most frequent storm water drainage problems found in urban areas. Students will also gain valuable interdisciplinary skills, and learn about different cultural communities by participating in three-day field trip to the border region in south Texas.

LAW 7900-605 Community Development Clinic

The Community Development Clinic offers students interested social entrepreneurship, transactional real estate work, and community advocacy an opportunity to work on a range of legal issues that impact community viability. By working with nonprofits that serve underserved populations, the Community Development Clinic will undertake legal matters that address issues that relate to affordable housing, access to legal services, small business development, and environmental justice in the local community. Students in this clinic will learn interviewing and counseling, contract drafting, public speaking, strategic planning, community legal education, and asset mapping. This course will be of particular interest to students who want to use their law degree to impact economic and social justice in underserved communities.

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